May 29, 2024

Klika’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report for 2023

Klika CSR report 2023
Klika CSR report 2023
Klika CSR report 2023
Klika CSR report 2023

Although 2023 can be considered one of the more challenging for IT companies globally, Klika still pursued the goals defined in our CSR strategy. Our previous year was a period of consistent cooperation with local communities, with many grassroots activities happening all year.

By utilizing the means of education and harboring volunteering as the basis of our give-back mentality, Klika embodied the belief that corporate and charitable cultures can
coexist harmoniously. Our sustainability-driven business strategy was awarded numerous times throughout 2023, but it was all powered by our desire and responsibility to educate and motivate others.

As we present Klika CSR Report 2023, our second annual report, we recommit ourselves to pursuing goals that will create a lasting impact, set new benchmarks for sustainable business practices, and transform our societies into visions of tomorrow we can all be proud of.

Download CSR report